Thursday, May 27, 2021

Australian Raven

The Australian Raven is a widespread bird that prefers open pasture habitat and is rarely seen in forests. Their diet consists mostly of insects, worms and carrion. Farmers once falsely blamed Australian Ravens for killing lambs but studies later showed the lambs were usually dead or very close to death before the birds showed interest.

In West Gippsland, the Little Raven is more common and it is usually only the call and the behavior of the Australian Raven that identifies the bird.

Australian Ravens normally occur as solitary birds or perhaps pairs (Little Ravens often occur in large flocks). When they give their territorial call, the pointed throat hackles of the Australian Raven are pronounced (Little Ravens have smaller, forked hackles).

Perhaps the best identifier of the Australian Raven is its call, (LINK) normally given from a horizontal stance. It starts loud and clear, then descends into a drawn out ‘aaaaaaah’ (the notes in the Little Raven’s call are more clipped and lack the drawn out ending).

Australian Ravens are often described as being sedentary but they can be nomadic over large territories. First year Australian Ravens have a high mortality rate greater than 60%.

Although the Australian Raven will take nestlings of other birds, and they are often maligned for their dark, menacing appearance, they in fact are valuable for their scavenging habits and pest control.

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