Saturday, January 30, 2021

A few alpine beauties

On several recent trips to the Baw Baw Plateau, a few of the classic alpine species of flora and fauna were ticked for summer 2021. Mt Baw Baw and Mt St Gwinear in particular are both worth a visit in summer. You must pick your day as the weather on the plateau can be very different to that down in the lower country.

In no particular order ...

Unknown moth Mt St Gwinear

Alpine Greenhood Mt St Gwinear

Flame Robin St Gwinear

Graceful Sun-orchid (perhaps?) near the summit St Gwinear

McLeay's Swallowtail Mt St Gwinear

Typical Snow-gum woodland on both mountains

Wildflower 'garden' at the summit of Mt Baw Baw

Alpine Trachymene a bog herb on Mt Baw Baw

Veined Sun-orchid on a ski run at Mt Baw Baw



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