Friday, November 27, 2020

Friday foray 27/11/2020 Grantville NCR and The Gurdies

The aim today was to find the Large Duck-orchids at the Grantville NCR. We’d ticked some a fortnight previous but they’d since ‘flown the coop’ (in the words of Banjo). There were plenty of other attractions to focus the cameras and binoculars on, including: a few un-opened Beard-orchids growing on the sides of the track; a family of baby thornbills being fed by some busy parents; Grey Shrike-thrushes singing in the canopy. 

Grey Shrike-thrush
A few puddles in the track were attracting blue Damselflies and some Dragonflies were clinging to track-side shrubs, warming up in preparation for their daily aerial patrols. 

Being a forecast hot day, the plan was not to stay for too long. We bought some lunch and headed for the Dunbabbin Picnic Area at the south-eastern corner of The Gurdies NCR. We shared lunch with some Golden Whistlers and Dusky Woodswallows.

Just as we were about to head back, a Blue-winged Parrot shot out of the grass on the side of the road, a ‘lifer’ for Thistle, so we spent a bit of time chasing down a small group of these beautiful and uncommon little grass parrots a close relative to the rare Orange-bellied Parrot. 

Blue-winged Parrot 1

Blue-winged Parrot 2
In the middle of the blue-wing pursuit, a family of Varied Sittellas arrived in the canopy along with some Jacky Winters

Varied Sittella
An ice cream in beautiful Loch concluded another great day in the bush.


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