Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Gurdies NCR wildflowers

 The Gurdies Nature Conservation Reserve is a Parks Victoria reserve located between Pioneer Bay and Grantville on Westernport Bay. The 260 hectare reserve is mostly coastal woodland consisting of Messmate and Peppermint eucalypts with understorey of wattle, tea tree, banksia, etc.

A recent visit indicated that spring flowering has begun.

The Wax-lip Orchid, Glossodia sp, is a common widespread terrestrial orchid that seems to be one of the first spring-time orchids to flower. There were many colonies of dozens or more wax-lips plus here and there amongst the bracken, many individual plants. 


Mayfly Orchids are a challenge to photograph (for me anyway). The very delicate structure causes focussing issue sometimes. All the mayflies I found this visit, were in close association with some wax-lips. I wonder if both species have a relationship with a common fungus in the soil? Mayfly Orchids occur in scattered locations throughout southern Victoria and seem to be happiest in sandy, coastal woodlands. 


Donkey Orchids are a favourite with many people. There were several in flower, I think sulphurea. A fairly widespread and diverse species that grows in heathy woodlands on a variety of soils. 

It is always a delight to come across the beauty and complexity of a Spider Orchid. I found just two examples this day. I think it is the Thick-lipped Spider Orchid, tessellata. Caladenia tessellata is an EPBC listed, vulnerable species. The distribution of this orchid is restricted to sandy woodland soils in south-eastern Victoria. 


Some Rice Flower, Dampiera, Hibertia, Running Postman, Milkmaids and others, made for a memorable morning.



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